This is a very tasty lunch with chicken, mayo, green chilies, garlic, hot sauce, cheese and a dollop of sour cream on top of the burrito.  These tortillas are my favorite - so much tastier than regular flour tortillas. that can actually be made quite quickly if you already have the shredded chicken on hand (however, in a pinch used diced rotisserie chicken).  See Helpful Hints for an easy way to make the chicken.  I find these burritos spicy enough for my taste without the hot sauce, but some folks like their Mexican food real spicy!  One Chicken Burrito is very filling so serve with a few cucumber slices or tomato slices on the side and lunch is served!  I like topping my burrito with a small amount of sour cream.

3 cups seasoned, shredded chicken* (750 mL)
1 cup mayonnaise (250 mL)
4.5 oz can green chilies (127 g)
1 tsp minced garlic** (5 mL)
1 tsp hot sauce, optional (5 mL)
1/2 tsp black pepper (2 mL)
2 cups grated Mexican cheese, OR (500 mL)
  a mix of Mozzarella and Cheddar cheeses
Sour cream, optional

In medium bowl, place chicken.  In small bowl, combine mayonnaise, green chilies, garlic, hot sauce (if using) and black pepper.  Stir into chicken. 

Prepare Miracle Dough Tortillas.  Place some of the chicken mixture down the center of the tortilla, top generously with grated cheese and fold the long sides of the mixture over the filling, pinching the tortilla closed with your fingers and then fold a small portion of the top and bottom of the tortilla over the filling as well (again pinching it to seal), making a cute parcel. 

In large nonstick frying pan, fry tortillas on both sides until golden brown.  You can hold the tortilla on its side using 2 spatulas if you would like the sides cooked as well, although the texture contrast is quite pleasing, so not completely essential to do this. Serve with sour cream, if desired.

Helpful Hints:  *In slow-cooker, place 2 to 4 chicken breasts and cover with chicken stock.  Cook on high for 4 to 41/2 hours depending on how thick the chicken breasts are.  **I used the bottled kind of minced garlic in oil.  Do not overfill your tortilla as they will be more likely to split open, which is what happened to some of mine.

Yield:  7 servings
1 serving
621.9 calories
40.5 g protein
57.3 g fat
1.2 g fiber
7.0 g net carbs